Access all your documents and certificates securely wherever you go.
Born out of an inspiration from the Japanese word “Gemba”, meaning “actual place or on-site or workplace” and the prefix “en”, meaning “my” in the world’s oldest active language, Tamil, makes this one’s “own place”.
Engemba® is dedicated to the seafarers’ fraternity. The service is by industry experts to up-skill and enhance one’s expertise. All these have been collated together with the rich expertise of seafarers who have over 3 decades of onboard and onshore experience.
MORE ABOUT USYour documents are processed based on intelligence that is built into the portal. The portal assists in keeping documents valid.
Collective download of any documents on demand.
The portal lists out mandatory documents that are required for a given seafarer rank and manages them intelligently.
Provision to upload and access personal documents securely with user defined folders for personal documents, for ease of retrieval.
The portal offers guidance and assistance to upskill to move up professionally and also to re-skill and let know the procedure and steps to revalidate certifications.
Guidance provided by people who have been stalwarts in the industry for over three decades.
Engemba's intelligent notification systems helps seafarers to take appropriate action to prevent inadvertent missing their documents renewal process, due to work and other compulsions.
Secure cloud storage for all your documents in one place.